Thursday, June 10, 2010

Knitting the second sock....finally

I'm not sure exactly when I finished the 'first' sock, but it's been at least a year or maybe two. An' I'm tellin' ya... after this second sock I'm going to learn how to knit 'Two' socks at a time.
I think the other reason I left it to sit for so long was that the yarn and the pattern didn't exactly go good together. I loved the pattern, but the only sock yarn I had was this multi-colored blue. I thought it would be alright, but, as you can see, you really can't see the pattern at all. - Oh well, I'm going to finish this other sock anyways.

Monday, May 10, 2010


I have been working on this bedspread....actually it's been done for several months now. I thought I'd throw it up here....just for something new.


You know what....? an' this is a hard thing to admit. I've been in a horrible funk for several months now. I think the correct term for it is called 'Depression'. I really don't know where else to go with this statement and I could go on and name & blame a thousand things for this, but honestly, I don't have the energy. I really do miss doing things with this blog. Taking picture's, some sewing and all the other things a blog is supposed to allow me to share. But, what do you do when something like this happens?....share it too. I'm not so sure I'm ready for that.
So, until things get better........Thank you for stopping by.


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