Friday, April 3, 2009

How Gracie actually came to me....... the weird part. The day I took Dottie in for pre-op visit....we were running really I decided to take her for a walk...... Well, I took her to the place behind my back fence.....and I've never really walked much back there....but.... turned out that two girls were walking along the path....and I had commented on what I thought was 'their' dog about how cute she was .........Then.... I 'was' going to ask why they didn't have a leash on it, beings we were so close to a major road, (the same road that years ago I had hit a dog because the owner didn't have their dog on a lease. The poor thing just ran out in the middle of the road.... right in front of my, what a memory - and it makes me mad that people think 'their' dog's won't run out in front of a car!!!!!).
OK, I need to clam down and get back to the story.....about the girls and the dog. Now... they said that it wasn't 'their' dog and that it had been running around for about 5 days or so. (the dog did look like it hadn't eaten for awhile), OK....remember now.... this is the same day Dottie is going for her pre-op visit. We don't know yet that she's got cancer. Dottie is 11 years old now.......I know, I know...... it sounds weird to even say this, but, to me, going somewhere I've never been' come across a 'lost' dog?......An' I'm not the type of person to say 'oh, well' and leave this dog to it's own devices. Especially since these girls were not even interested in that this dog was just running lose and lost. OK, so I had an extra leash in the car.... I put it on this dog and took it along with me to the vet. The Vet agreed that the dog looked 'dumped'. Me and the Vet tech looked on the Internet at the Humane Society.......And, Well, I ended up not finding the owner to this stray dog. Even though I looked at all of the humane societies in the area, on Craig's list, the Nickle Ads, and I even found personal-site listing's for other lost dogs. But no one put a "Lost Dog" notice up for this dog. (I checked for 3 weeks). all know this went right?.....I kinda' agreed to 'foster' this dog....while looking for it's owner....right????? LOL

Note: I just noticed how these post's are going up....and the story about Dottie and Gracie look all backwards. It starts at the bottom and ends at the top with - It's All About the Dogs.....

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