Saturday, April 4, 2009

The yo-yo's taken out

The yo-yo's taken out, originally uploaded by ladawnalynn
I haven't posted anything about what I've been up to 'craft' wise for a while, (other than what's been posted on flickr awhile back). So, I thought I'd get back to it. This is one of the many projects I've got laying around waiting to be worked on. I brought it out again last night to take a look at what I've got left to do. Actually there's quite a bit.


  1. Wow this pic is making me want to start yo-yo making NOW!!!

  2. the yo-yo's are looking good! I have just followed the link from Aneela's blog. You have a lovley and intriguing little place here. Your doggies are beuties too. I'll pop over and have a look at stuff on flickr now.
    Happy crafting



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